Monday, April 30, 2012

Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow

Goodbye, meat.  Goodbye, processed foods.  Goodbye, sugar and starches.  You have been my friend all my life.  You have delighted my mouth and my taste buds.  You have brought me such pleasure.  You have comforted me when I needed comforting. have made me sick.  You have destroyed my body.  You have invaded my liver.  You have demolished my pancreas.  You have taken up residency and stored your ugly self in my thighs, arms, tummy.  I realize now, you are Satan.  You haven't loved me, though I have loved you!  You deceived me.  You destroyed me-- almost.

But, today is April 30, 2012.  This might turn out to the one of the most important days of my life.  I don't know ----yet, for I, admittedly, am weak.  

Today, I will begin the preparations for my juice fast, which begins tomorrow, May 1, 2012.  After watching the Award-winning Documentary, "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead,"  I have decided to give it a go.  I will begin, tomorrow, a juice fast wherein I will consume only veggie and fruit juice- in an 80:20 ratio, respectively, and water.  That's it.  Period.  No meat.  No Sugar.  No salt.  No chemicals.  No preservatives.  Only veggie and fruit juice and H2O.

How long can I stick with it?  That remains to be seen.  My hope is that I can stick with it for as long as necessary to bring this broken, sick, overweight, depressed, cholesterol-ridden, diabetes-ridden body, mind and spirit back to health.  I mean health.  Health being defined as, "I can't wait to get outa the bed in the morning and start the day!" health.  Health as in, "Wow!  I feel AWEsome!!!" health.  Health as in, "Thank God; no more pills, capsules, supplements to swallow!!!!"  And Health as in, "Wow....who is that GORGEOUS girl in my bathroom mirror??!!!!" health.

I'll be keeping a journal of the trials and tribulations as I go.  Trials will, no doubt, outnumber the tribulations in the beginning. But stick with me.  Because, I think- I KNOW- the tribulations will quickly outnumber the trials.

I have a whole support group of new friends online.  They, too, will be making this journey.  Finally!  I can have not just one friend, or two friends, but an entire long list of friends who are not only going to coax and support me, but who are willing to put their money where their mouth is.  (Better that than a Twinkie!!) They, too, will be doing the deal.  They, too, are on the way to better health.  Together, we all will "git-r-done."

Watch me.  Please, come back and stick with me.  When I become a new me, I hope I might inspire others to do the same.  Wow, wouldn't that be a hoot?  To inspire someone else to renew their life.  Now THAT'S what I'M talkin' about!!!!!!!!